How it works
- Step 1: Enter a street address, community name or postal code to search by location. If your search does not return many options, we recommend widening your search parameters by clicking off clinician gender or languages spoken.
- Step 2: Click on the blue map markers for more information about a clinic.
- Step 3: To make an appointment, contact your preferred clinic directly. The clinic may suggest a meet and greet, which is an introductory appointment to allow the provider to explain their services and policies and better understand a patient's needs. Please note: This website does not offer appointment booking.
Clinic directory: Want to find a clinic anywhere in Alberta? Use our directory.
Having trouble finding a clinic or provider?
Availability of physicians and nurse practitioners is limited in some areas. We recommend widening your search options to maximize your chances of finding a provider. If you can't find a physician or nurse practitioner accepting patients, you can ask your preferred clinic if they maintain a wait list.
If you are unable to find a clinic accepting patients, you can call Health Link 811 for health advice or information. Walk-in clinics may also be an option. To find a clinic with walk-in services, go to Find a Clinic and click on 'walk-in appointments offered.' You can also sign up for My Health Records and My AHS Connect to be notified when test results are available. You can go to a walk-in clinic to talk to a physician about the result. Your local pharmacy may also be able to help. Pharmacies may be able to prescribe your medications, provide education about your health and order lab tests.
This website does not endorse or recommend individual physicians or nurse practitioners. If this is an emergency please call 911 or go to your nearest emergency department.
Can doctors decide which patients to accept?
The rules of establishing “physician-patient relationships” – defined as care that is reasonably expected to extend beyond a single encounter – are outlined in the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta’s Standards of Practice. There may be legitimate reasons why a provider does not accept a patient, such as patient living too far away from the clinic for care to be delivered in a safe and timely manner.
Advice to Albertans: Can I see more than one provider? What happens if I can't get in to see my doctor? See the links below for answers.
Who regulates doctors and nurse practitioners?
Nurse practitioners operating as part of the Nurse Practitioner Primary Care Program (NPPCP) are required to follow College of Registered Nurses of Alberta (CRNA) guidelines. CRNA is currently developing standards and guidelines to support this initiative. In the meantime, please see this Nurse Practitioner Primary Care Program (NPPCP) FAQ for more information. Many nurse practitioners who work in Alberta are also members of the Nurse Practitioner Association of Alberta (NPPA).
How accurate is the information on the website?
If information about a clinic, doctor, or nurse practitioner is incorrect, please click on the ‘report issue with clinic information’ tab that is at the bottom of every clinic listing. Alternatively, please contact us. We will follow up with that clinic or provider. Reporting errors helps us to ensure the information listed on the website is as accurate as possible.